Jack Reiss LLC

Jack Reiss LLC has demonstrated for three generations this country’s best qualities as a leading U.S. manufacturer and dealer of fine cut diamonds. Our company signifies the highest elements of quality
craftsmanship available through our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in the United States. Today, Jack Reiss enjoys a sterling worldwide reputation for delivering the finest quality cut diamonds in the industry.

Efraim Reiss
 580 5th Ave Suite 1212 New York, NY 10036 USA
 +1 212 840-9500


Diamonds - Coloured Diamonds
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GemGenève is the main partner of the Digital Jewelry Week in October 2024! Student? Young Designer?

Enter contest and your piece will maybe be produced and showcased at the next GemGenève show!


Are you a Designer or an Emerging talent? Do you have interesting pieces to showcase to a wide audience?

We are seeking new talents for our next edition in May 2025. Should you be interested in exhibiting: