Dr. Michaël Mintrone

Michaël Mintrone

Michael joined SSEF in 2022 as a research scientist and is now Head of the Diamond Department since April 2024.

He holds a Masters in Earth Sciences from the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne (France). He holds a Ph.D. from ETH Zürich that focused on how high-temperature rocks and minerals formed during the building of mountain belts.

He participated in the ASDI-500 development; the first automated device to screen natural colourless diamonds as small as 0.5 mm.

He is involved in different research projects and teaching activities at the SSEF.


GemGenève is the main partner of the Digital Jewelry Week in October 2024! Student? Young Designer?

Enter contest and your piece will maybe be produced and showcased at the next GemGenève show!


Are you a Designer or an Emerging talent? Do you have interesting pieces to showcase to a wide audience?

We are seeking new talents for our next edition in May 2025. Should you be interested in exhibiting: