
Jewelry is an expression of personal and social identity, and – as such – jewelry is ultimately a story. In the age of information, precious stories are the new precious stones.

Connected by the religious belief that the new luxury combines beautiful objects with meaningful stories, Oktaaf is created by Ainoa Casullas Corres, a Spanish jewelry designer, and Karel De Beule, a Belgian internet entrepreneur. Oktaaf combines contemporary designs with authentic antiquities. Each Oktaaf piece is first and foremost a human history.

At GemGenève the brand will premiere several unique creations, including 10.000 years old Mesopotamian beads and the first ever jewelry designed by an Artificial Intelligence.

Karel De Beule
 Velodroomstraat 17 Evergem 9940 BELGIUM


Modern Jewellery - Contemporary Revival
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GemGenève is the main partner of the Digital Jewelry Week in October 2024! Student? Young Designer?

Enter contest and your piece will maybe be produced and showcased at the next GemGenève show!


Are you a Designer or an Emerging talent? Do you have interesting pieces to showcase to a wide audience?

We are seeking new talents for our next edition in May 2025. Should you be interested in exhibiting: