Boris Chauviré


Boris Chauviré

Boris Chauviré is a lover of the mineral kingdom, and he likes to understand it as much as to take care of it, which is why he did a doctorate in geology and mineralogy. Whether they shine or are more discreet, Boris loves, wants to make stones speak and understand.

Doctorate in Nantes (and winner of the 2016 Haüy-Lacroix prize from the SFMC), he has been involved in research in gemology, particularly since obtaining his DUG. He is currently a researcher and teacher in geology, mineralogy and gemmology.

He has recently become the Managing Director and Head of Training & Innovation of the GeoGems gemology firm.


GemGenève is the main partner of the Digital Jewelry Week in October 2024! Student? Young Designer?

Enter contest and your piece will maybe be produced and showcased at the next GemGenève show!


Are you a Designer or an Emerging talent? Do you have interesting pieces to showcase to a wide audience?

We are seeking new talents for our next edition in May 2025. Should you be interested in exhibiting: